The Rattlesnake Round-Up

- Sweetwater has some pretty amazing abandoned structures.
- Meet Billy and Maryanne, who have lived in Sweetwater all their life. Billy told me how he stored three 55-gallon drums full of rattlesnakes under the house when they first were married, and Maryanne was none to pleased upon finding the barrels of surprise-snakes.
- Arriving slightly before the festival, I was shocked to see the streets almost completely abandoned. I sneezed, and it echoed.
- Meet Richard, who works at a local convenience store. He discussed the failures of trickle-down economics with me, which was a perspective I was surprised at.
- This is the best rattlesnake-themed parade I’ve ever been to.
- I didn’t understand everything I saw, but that’s what makes a trip great.
- Before the festival began, I got some one-on-one time with Miss Texas by the snakeskinning pit.
- Margana Wood is wonderfully pleasant, and is touring Texas to spread her message- “You Belong”. She suffered from bullying growing up, and wishes to fight that mindset in youth everywhere.
- At the “Miss Snake Charmer” pageant, the contestants present themselves in a Venetian themed motif. Bella!
- Margana greets everyone from within the crowd at the evening’s beauty pageant.
- Jaelynn Page presents her talent in the form of a spiritual delivered to an enthralled crowd, which clapped along
- A jazzy dance to Gwen Stefani’s “Holla Back Girl”
- Another jazzy “tribal African” dance, designed to “teach us about multiculturalism”. JAZZ HANDS!
- It has flags! Shakira’s “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)” has been realized to its fullest potential.
- So much sparkly tap dancing. You’re a winner in my heart, Riley Dodd.
- Cyera Piper had an insanely impressive gymnastics routine.
- I can never get enough flag. MORE FLAG!
- A moving rendition of Patsy Cline.
- Cyera Pieper wins the scholarship pageant this year!
- The rattlesnakes are “turned” to ensure they do not suffocate or injure each other in the pit.
- Also exceptionally talented at hitting trucks with metal sticks.
- Chauncey, a veteran who lost his leg in Iraq, explores a den he hopes might contain some rattlesnakes.
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